Traveling abroad? Put your entrepreneur glasses on!

As the quest continues, our curious minds got bored again. Thus, we went out and looked for an interesting person who has something to say related to spotting business opportunities in a foreign country. What is more global than being an international entrepreneur?! And, this is how the Extrovert and the Introvert met with Trevor for coffee and talks on a sunny Saturday morning. 

Click here for the podcast. 

Trevor Lothrop is a co-founder and managing director of PressOne media in Romania. A former IT consultant in America, he was able to help start one of Romania's young, idependent media companies whose in-depth investigative and cultural journalism has seen their brand rise to the national forefront. Trevor is not a journalist and does not make editorial decisions, but runs the business side of the organization ranging from strategy, IT, and marketing to legal, management and administration. Outside of work he has a passion for athletics, travel, history, geo-politics, technology and most importantly, finely brewed beer. It is also a rare sight to catch him without his dachshund, Fonzie, who in the last 9 years has followed him to a range of cities from Los Angeles to Cluj-Napoca. 

This podcast is part one of a two-episode series. So stay tuned for the mirror experience.


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