Hello world!

We are Alina (Extrovert) and Raluca (Introvert) and want to get bored with people who are not boring. The idea for this blog started as an experiment. As with any experiment, we have no clear vision of what the outcome should be, what we do have is a good dosage of curiosity and a great desire to explore the concept of Global at micro and macro level. Our expertise is in the field of Global Mobility, but we are far from being “know it all” experts. That is why we’ll have contributors and guests with whom we will explore the concept of Global from new and sometimes odd perspectives. If you are remotely interested in any of the above or appreciate thought-experiments of bored minds, join us on this journey. You can either passively enjoy the ride in the back seat (savor the posts), ride shotgun (comment) or even get into the driving seat and contribute (contact us for collaboration proposals).


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